189+ Best IKEA Hacks You Shouldn’t Miss [Updated 2021]

What’s the big deal with DIY Ikea hacks?…

Is often what I hear from people who aren’t like you & me…

They’re not financially savvy & they don’t have the creative ability to see beyond the piece of furniture that’s sitting in front of them…

Imagining what a beautiful & original piece that piece of furniture could become is beyond their capability so what happens to people like that?


They end up spending an unnecessary fortune on storage solutions & home decor… 

But let’s not worry about them!

Expensive-Looking Furniture…(On A Surprisingly Low Budget)

The truth is…

You are one of the lucky ones…

Not only are you smart enough to know that Ikea furniture is incredibly high quality & incredibly priced too… 

But… (and this is what makes you special)

You’re also creative enough to understand that with few simple tweaks, an unoriginal Ikea product can be transformed into a bespoke piece of furniture that looks far more expensive than it actually costs you!

Now that’s smart!

With Ikea hacks, you really can design the home of your dreams without having to worry about the expense!

So, let’s dive right into this collection of the best IKEA hacks that will help to inspire you with your next home decor project and save you loads of money too!

P.S. I’m always adding new content to this page so be sure to click here or on the image below to save these great ideas to your Pinterest so you can come back time & time again! 

Over 189 Awesome DIY IKEA Hacks

Find the perfect IKEA hack for you with this list of all our favorite Ikea hack ideas that you can do on a budget...